Turning Bull Pottery - London, Ontario
Pottery - London, Ontario
Beth Turnbull Morrish - Turning Bull Pottery

Pottery Classes!


Friday Afternoon Pottery

Fridays, 1:30-4:30, March 21 – May 21, NO CLASS April 11, April 18


In this 8 week course we will focus on the core skills of making pottery on the wheel with complimentaryhandbuilding techniques. You will create cups, bowls, plates and more. We will learn a variety offinishing and decorating techniques and you will create 8-12 pieces, all of which will be glazed andfired, to be picked up a few weeks after the last class! Your pottery will be safe for microwave, ovenand dishwasher use.

This course is perfect for the beginner, no experience necessary, however all are welcome, as potteryclasses can be taken many times and the pottery artworks will always be different and your skills willcontinue to grow.

$528 + hst =$596.64 for 8 week course. Includes all tools, aprons, materials, firing and tea! Link to Square Payment

Friday Mornings Advanced Pottery

Fridays, 9:30-12:30, March 21 – May 21, NO CLASS April 11, April 18


That’s 8 weeks of “pottery club!” This course is for anyone who has taken at least two wheel thrownpottery courses. We will focus on wheel-thrown pottery. We’ll still start with cylinders – they’re thebasis of everything, and we’ll practice throwing taller and thinner. We’ll practice shaping our pots withmore intention. We’ll try using more clay, practicing centering and using all the clay from the bottomup. You’ll also grow your trimming skills to create lighter, more even pots. We’ll do this with the basicpottery forms: cylinder, bowl, vase. There will also be room to try more complex things, and alsomany opportunities to help shape your curriculum. Decorating techniques will include coloured slips,underglaze and coloured glazes. You will create a body of work, likely 20+ pieces, which will all beglazed and fired, to be picked up a few weeks after the last class.

This course is ideal for students who can center 1.5lbs reliably, even if you still feel like a beginner(clay keeps us humble), as well as for those of us who have been practicing for years, because wecan always continue to hone our skills. There will be a range of skill levels within the class and youwill work and learn together. There’s always tea and sometimes there’s food!

$528 + hst =$596.64 for 8 week course. Includes all tools, aprons, materials, firing and tea! Link to Square Payment

Monday Evening Pottery

Mondays, 6:30-9:30, March 24 – May 26, NO CLASS April 21, May 19.


In this 8 week course we will focus on the core skills of making pottery on the wheel with complimentaryhandbuilding techniques. You will create cups, bowls, plates and more. We will learn a variety offinishing and decorating techniques and you will create 8-12 pieces, all of which will be glazed andfired, to be picked up a few weeks after the last class. Your pottery will be safe for microwave, ovenand dishwasher use.

This course is perfect for the beginner, no experience necessary, however all are welcome, as potteryclasses can be taken many times and the pottery artworks will always be different and your skills willcontinue to grow.

$528 + hst =$596.64 for 8 week course. Includes all tools, aprons, materials, firing and tea! Link to Square Payment




BAD WEATHER POLICY: SAFETY FIRST! I use the Ontario 511 app to check the road conditions on all the roads in the area two hours before class start time. If the roads are anything other than “black”, then we postpone class, and add another class at the end of the session. I also use The Weather Network to check for weather advisories that may affect conditions later in the day.


There are no refunds or makeup classes available for group classes, but I will review the missed lessons and help you catch up next class.

The studio is located at 4353 Queens Ave, Ailsa Craig, ON N0M 1A0, which is actually in Nairn, a small community just outside of Ailsa Craig, 20 minutes Northwest of London.


Beth Turnbull Morrish

Turning Bull Pottery Studio, Ailsa Craig, Ontario (Nairn)

Copyright © 2023 Turning Bull Pottery. Like me on Facebook